One of the nice features, and VMWare has many great features, of VMWare Workstation is the ability to select an ISO image to boot from. If the ISO is the installation media for a guest operating system then the installation for the operating system begins.
One of the nice features, and VMWare has many great features, of VMWare Workstation is the ability to select an ISO image to boot from. If the ISO is the installation media for a guest operating system then the installation for the operating system begins.

In the case of Vista fo example, it comes often on DVD. If the user of VMWare worksation doesn't own a DVD player on their computer and their budget is tight, they are left with trying to borrow one or have the DVD image converted to an ISo. Once they have the ISO image, the file can be compied to a network drive or stored on the local hard-drive. Throuhg VM's interface, the ISO image can be selected to boot from and the installation begins.