Saturday, December 04, 2010

MODx Ditto Create A Short Introtext - Shorter Intro Text Summary

After trying various ways to shorten the amout of text from the default to a smaller amount like 100 or so characters, I found a simple way to do it.

I tried using PHx, with the code syntax of +introtext:character_limit=`30`, but that didn't work. I got the php script to run of course but it did not shorten the summary/introtext. Very fustrating. Also tried the tuncing functions from Ditto and MODx but those didn't do the job either.

The solution was faily simple. In my case, and I hope in yours to so this post turns out to be helpful to you, the line of code that worked in the template was this:


What this line did was if there's introtext (summary) text for the document, then trim that down to 120 characters. The default of course was to use text out of the content if there was not intotext/summary for the document. The ellipsis part of the code is applied to both the +introtext and the +content. My document and many others have a summary (introtext) and I did not want to remove this. The line as I have it will trim both the intro text and the content, whichever is uswed for the particular document that's being used for the dynamic page.

Another possible method to truncate the summary introtext I found shortly after making this post was the following.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Shockwave Error #10

Resolve Shockwave error 10

There is little to no information on how to resolve Shockwave error 10. This error also includes a statement about files missing. (" Shockwave Error: 10. One or more Shockwave files are missing ") Un-installing and re-installing the IE plug-in doesn't help either. The method found to fix the problem was to copy files needed. In this case they were on the same computer. In your case, you may have to get them from another system. The files are located in two directories. The two directories are located in the windows system32 folder in shockwave directories under macromed (or macromedia) and adobe. One of these two directories are missing the files needed.
The first step is to run an uninstall of the shockwave player using control panel add/remove programs. for Vista and Windows 7, it's program and features. reboot if the uninstaller says to. Go to c:\windows\system32\adobe\shockwave and also open another explorer window and go to c:\windows\system32\macromed. Copy the files from the directory that has more files to the directory which has fewer. If there are not files in either, get them from another computer running the latest shockwave player add-on.

Once the files have been populated into the directory

Once the files have been populated into the directory or directories, go to a site or THE site which you have tried to use and discovered shockwave isn't working. Don't use adobe shockwave installation site to test. In the case that I experienced this problem, the shockwave site worked but the actual site I was trying to use didn't. the site that uses the shockwave plyer will detect the player is not installed and give you the prompt to install the component. follow the short procedure to install the plug-in. If the message window has an option to trust the publisher, then check the box to always trust the publisher. Refresh the page if needed or even close the current browser window and reload the page you're trying to view that has a shockwave component in it.

Web Based Remote Support Software

Supporting flash is fairly easy. Most often the user is prompted to install the software when they connect to a web site online that has flash content. For some web based plugin and software desktop add-ons remote support can be built into the solution for remote downloading and installation. If the web site script and software developer built into the web site's pages the proper software code to check if the remote user has the web based plug-in installed then the remote user gets prompted to install. This is one of the better developments in software detection and in particular web based software detection. The remote user is prompted to download and install the flash player web browser plugin add-on and more often than not the user chooses to install it. Once installed on the remote computer either by the automated download or by using web based remote support software, the plugin remotely accesses the server and checks for software updates periodically. Flash then prompts the user requesting confirmation before downloading and installing the update to the software browser plugin online. With the remote user's consent, the software is installed from the remote server and updated.


Shockwave Player ERROR #10

There are few to any answeres to the shockwave error 10. Even on a support forum for shockwave and user was left hanging without resolution for this problem. The user was getting an error (shwave error 10) and did not get an answer on how to resolve it.

For those of you with this erro and and foudn this blog, there is something you could try to resolve the problem. The solution is faily simple but might require you to get some files from anotehr system on which shockwave is working fine.

The error message also notes that some files are missing that shwave player requires. Uninstalling and re-installing just gets you going in a circle that never ends. The system will also ask you to reboot too. It doesn't work If you getting shockwave error 10, file are missing that are needed to run shockwave plyer then try this. Keep in mind, this won;t hurt your player because the player doesn't work anyway, that's why you're reading this.

Run the uninstall from control panel. You've probably already done it 10 or so times already but one more at this point won;t hurt. Reboot if asked to do so after the installation. Go to the windows system 32 directory. For many installations it's c:\windows\system32. In that folder look for macromedia the adobe subfolders. In both of the aforementioned folders there will be a shockwave sub-folder. If one of these is empty or near empty, that's your problem. At least that was the problem on a computer that was having this problem and on whch I did the same steps I'm pointing out in this post. Copy the contents from the fodler that has files to the one that does not (it may not be entirely empty but opnly has a minimal set of the "full" folder). Go to a site that you are having problems with. I would not go to shockwaves site to trigger the active-x installation. That site has probably already told you that shockwave is working fine even though it is not.

Loading the site that is not workin, if properly coded., will trigger the active-x download and instalaltion of shockwave player. Run the install and reboot if requested to do so by the install. If no reboot is requested, then relaod the page. You might ask to run the install again. Check the box that says truct content from this publisher and adobe will be displayed in the mesage wndow to trust . When you check the box the installation if it's triggered again will just run.

This post assumes you have the adobe shockwave player plugin enabled in your IE browser.

Monday, January 04, 2010

God Mode In Windows 7

There's not much that can be done from the standard user desktop of Windows 7 or even an Administrator's desktop. By default, it is a minimal in functionality for configuration options and settings for printers, time zone, file access, etc.. It is a clean interface by design and done to increase simplicity. Most all things needed for customizing, configuration, and support access can be found from the traditional control panel of Windows 7 as with previous operating systems released from Microsoft. However, through control panel won’t allow you to see and easily use all those nested settings included in the main options. Did you know that you can become a God? Well, at least on Windows 7 not in real life. Don't this go to your head.

One of the less known options on Windows 7 is the GodMode feature. Although this may be due to the fact that having administrator access will provide enough access. Basically, a difference from regular administrator access, is that this mode lets you have every setting and option easily accessible and right in front of you, ready to be used for support without having to browse among different settings before getting what you are looking for.

Here is how to enable it:
Right click on any bank space on your desktop.
Click new from the menu and create a New Folder.
Rename the folder as follow: God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

DO NOT use this trick on Vista and Windows 7 64X. It will cause your Windows to crash! (read comments below)

This simple command will create a special shortcut to the God Mode option letting you access all Windows 7 functions via a handy GUI!

God Mode also works on Windows Vista!
